Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

In recent years, Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India has seen a surge in startups dedicated to promoting circular economy principles. These startups focus on reducing waste, maximizing resource efficiency, and creating sustainable business models. Here’s a detailed look at ten notable circular economy startups making an impact in India:

1. Karo Sambhav

Karo Sambhav works towards creating responsible e-waste management systems in India. They partner with manufacturers, recyclers, and policy-makers to ensure that electronic waste is recycled responsibly and does not end up in landfills.

E-waste managementKaro Sambhav partners with manufacturers, recyclers, and policy-makers to ensure responsible recycling of electronic waste, preventing it from ending up in landfills.
Karo Sambhav – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

2. Saahas Zero Waste

Saahas Zero Waste provides end-to-end waste management solutions to businesses, institutions, and residential complexes. They promote recycling and composting to minimize waste sent to landfills.

Waste managementSaahas Zero Waste provides comprehensive waste management solutions to businesses, institutions, and residential complexes, emphasizing recycling and composting.
Saahas Zero Waste – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

3. ReNew IT

ReNew IT refurbishes and resells used IT equipment, extending their lifecycle and reducing electronic waste. They provide affordable technology solutions to businesses and individuals while promoting sustainability.

Industry: Refurbishment of IT equipmentDescription: ReNew IT specializes in refurbishing and reselling used IT equipment to extend their lifecycle and promote sustainable consumption practices. They offer cost-effective technology solutions to businesses and individuals while reducing electronic waste. ReNew IT also contributes to environmental conservation by ensuring that refurbished IT products meet high-quality standards and are accessible to a wider audience.
ReNew IT – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

4. Graviky Labs

GravikyLabs captures carbon emissions from vehicles and industrial processes and converts them into inks and paints. Their innovative technology helps reduce air pollution while creating value-added products.

Industry: Air pollution controlDescription: Graviky Labs pioneers technology that captures carbon emissions from vehicles and industrial processes and converts them into inks and paints. By repurposing carbon pollutants into valuable products, Graviky Labs not only mitigates air pollution but also promotes sustainable innovation in the manufacturing sector. Their products are used by artists, designers, and industries seeking eco-friendly alternatives
Graviky Labs – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

5. Revive

Revive converts plastic waste into eco-friendly construction materials. They aim to reduce plastic pollution and promote sustainable building practices by creating durable and cost-effective alternatives to conventional materials.

Industry: Plastic waste managementDescription: Revive focuses on transforming plastic waste into eco-friendly construction materials. Their innovative approach addresses the growing problem of plastic pollution by providing sustainable alternatives for building materials. Revive collaborates with construction companies and environmental organizations to promote the use of recycled plastics in infrastructure projects, contributing to circular economy principles and environmental sustainability.
Revive – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

6. Banyan Nation

Banyan Nation utilizes technology to recycle post-consumer plastic waste into high-quality raw materials for manufacturing. They work closely with brands to create a closed-loop recycling ecosystem.

Industry: Plastic recyclingDescription: Banyan Nation is committed to advancing plastic recycling in India through technological innovations. They specialize in converting post-consumer plastic waste into high-quality raw materials suitable for manufacturing applications. Banyan Nation collaborates with brands and recyclers to create a closed-loop recycling ecosystem that reduces the environmental impact of plastic waste and promotes a circular economy model.
Banyan Nation – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

7. CirCO

CirCO promotes circularity in the fashion industry by upcycling textile waste into new products. They collaborate with designers and brands to reduce textile waste and promote sustainable fashion choices.

Industry: Circular fashionDescription: CirCO is at the forefront of circular fashion in India, transforming textile waste into new clothing and accessories. They collaborate with designers, textile manufacturers, and fashion brands to promote sustainable practices throughout the supply chain. CirCO’s approach not only reduces textile waste but also encourages consumers to embrace eco-friendly fashion choices, contributing to a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry.
CirCO – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

8. Renewlogy

Renewlogy specializes in converting hard-to-recycle plastic waste into valuable products like fuel and chemicals. They offer scalable solutions to manage plastic waste and reduce environmental impact.

Industry: Plastic waste upcyclingDescription: Renewlogy specializes in upcycling hard-to-recycle plastic waste into valuable products such as fuels and chemicals. Their technology-driven approach helps address the challenge of plastic waste management by converting plastic pollutants into useful resources. Renewlogy’s solutions contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing plastic pollution and promoting circular economy principles in waste management practices.
Renewlogy – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

9. Ecozen Solutions

Ecozen Solutions develops solar-powered cold storage solutions for farmers, helping them reduce post-harvest losses and manage agricultural waste more efficiently. Their technology supports sustainable farming practices.

Industry: Agricultural waste managementDescription: Ecozen Solutions develops solar-powered cold storage solutions designed to reduce post-harvest losses and manage agricultural waste effectively. Their innovative technology supports farmers by providing sustainable storage solutions that preserve the quality and freshness of agricultural produce. Ecozen Solutions aims to enhance food security and sustainability in India’s agriculture sector through energy-efficient cold chain solutions.
Ecozen Solutions – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

10. ReNew Materials

ReNew Materials transforms industrial waste streams into eco-friendly products and materials. They provide sustainable alternatives to traditional manufacturing processes, promoting resource efficiency.

Industry: Upcycling industrial wasteDescription: ReNew Materials specializes in transforming industrial waste streams into eco-friendly products and materials. They employ advanced recycling technologies to convert waste materials into valuable resources, promoting resource efficiency and environmental sustainability. ReNew Materials collaborates with industries to develop sustainable manufacturing solutions that minimize waste generation and contribute to a circular economy framework.
ReNew Materials – Top 10 Circular Economy Startups in India

frequently asked questions (FAQs) for each of the top 10 Circular Economy startups in India:

1. What is a circular economy?

Answer: A circular economy is an economic system aimed at minimizing waste and maximizing resource efficiency. It involves designing products, services, and systems that reduce resource consumption, reuse materials, and promote recycling to create a closed-loop system.

2. Why are circular economy startups important?

Answer: Circular economy startups play a crucial role in addressing environmental challenges such as waste management and resource depletion. They innovate sustainable solutions to reduce waste generation, promote recycling, and create economic value from materials that would otherwise be discarded.

3. How do circular economy startups contribute to sustainability?

Answer: Circular economy startups contribute to sustainability by implementing practices that extend the lifecycle of products, reduce resource consumption, and minimize environmental impact. They often focus on waste reduction, recycling technologies, and sustainable production methods.

4. What are the key sectors targeted by circular economy startups in India?

Answer: Circular economy startups in India target various sectors including:

  • E-waste management
  • Plastic recycling and waste management
  • Textile and fashion recycling
  • Agricultural waste management
  • Industrial waste upcycling

5. How do circular economy startups benefit businesses and consumers?

Answer: Circular economy startups offer benefits such as cost savings through efficient resource use, improved brand reputation for sustainability, compliance with environmental regulations, and access to eco-friendly products and services for consumers.

6. What challenges do circular economy startups face in India?

Answer: Challenges faced by circular economy startups in India include limited infrastructure for waste management and recycling, regulatory complexities, access to funding for scaling operations, consumer awareness about sustainable products, and technological barriers in recycling and upcycling processes.

7. How can individuals support circular economy startups?

Answer: Individuals can support circular economy startups by:

  • Choosing products made from recycled materials
  • Participating in recycling programs
  • Advocating for sustainable practices in their communities and workplaces
  • Supporting policies that promote a circular economy
  • Investing in or purchasing products from circular economy startups.

8. What role do policy-makers play in promoting the circular economy?

Answer: Policy-makers can support the circular economy by implementing regulations that encourage recycling and waste reduction, providing incentives for sustainable practices, investing in infrastructure for recycling and waste management, and promoting research and development in circular economy technologies.

9. How can circular economy startups scale their impact?

Answer: Circular economy startups can scale their impact by collaborating with industry partners and stakeholders, expanding their technology and operational capabilities, accessing funding for research and development, educating consumers about sustainable choices, and advocating for supportive policies.

10. What are some success stories of circular economy startups in India?

Answer: Success stories include startups that have successfully scaled their operations, developed innovative recycling technologies, formed partnerships with global brands, and contributed significantly to reducing waste and promoting sustainable consumption patterns in India and beyond.

11. What is an example of circular economy in India?

Answer: An example of circular economy in India is the use of recycled materials in manufacturing processes, such as converting plastic waste into raw materials for new products or using agricultural waste to generate energy.

12. What are the 10 Rs of circular economy?

Answer: The 10 Rs of circular economy are: Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Repurpose, Recycle, and Recover. These principles guide businesses and consumers towards sustainable practices that minimize waste and maximize resource efficiency.

13. What are circular economy startups?

Answer: Circular economy startups are businesses that innovate and implement solutions aimed at reducing waste, reusing materials, and promoting sustainable consumption and production practices. They often focus on recycling technologies, waste management, and sustainable product design.

14. What are examples of circular economy companies in India?

Answer: Examples of circular economy companies in India include Karo Sambhav (e-waste management), Saahas Zero Waste (comprehensive waste management solutions), and Banyan Nation (plastic recycling).

15. What are examples of circular economy in India?

Answer: Circular economy examples in India include companies that upcycle waste materials into new products, initiatives promoting resource recovery from industrial processes, and sustainable agriculture practices that minimize waste and optimize resource use.


These ten startups exemplify India’s growing commitment to embracing circular economy principles. By focusing on waste reduction, resource efficiency, and sustainable production, they not only contribute to environmental conservation but also create opportunities for economic growth and innovation. As they continue to scale their operations and influence, these startups play a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable future for India and the world.

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